Become a T.B.B.C. Signature Store Owner
The Beaufort Bonnet Company Signature Store is an upscale boutique built out and decorated to embody our lifestyle brand. The vast majority of the store offers The Beaufort Bonnet Company products. Other products featured in a T.B.B.C. Signature Store are accessories, toys, shoes, socks, and giftables, complimenting The Beaufort Bonnet Company products and lifestyles.
If you are a current store carrying T.B.B.C. and interested in becoming a Signature Store; this will require a new build-out. If you are a potential store operator, you will work directly with our team to create a retail space conveying the identity and personality of our brand.
The Beaufort Bonnet Company Signature Stores have the opportunity to capitalize off the talent, brand loyalty, and prestige associated with T.B.B.C. Approved Signature Store owners will receive exclusive benefits including logo design, merchandising assistance and guides, marketing tools, special recognition, and possible exclusive merchandise. Our mission is to provide those seeking upscale items for children born with a refined sense of style a unique and unmatched brand and shopping experience.
To apply to open a T.B.B.C. Signature Store please fill out the application below and email it to