Returns & Exchanges

If you would like to initiate a return or exchange, please visit

You will need the order number and email address used on the order to begin this process.  If you have a gift you would like to return, please click the link and follow the instructions provided. See below for helpful hints regarding our Returns process!


  • Return any authorized item(s) for a refund back to the original payment method or store credit via T.B.B.C. e-gift card.
  • If you are a gift recipient and need to make a return, we are able to offer store credit, in e-gift card form, for the purchase price of the item(s). 
  • If you would like to exchange an item or are in need of a new size, please visit the link above. You can shop with your credit to purchase a different item or new size.
    • Please note, for instant exchanges it can take 5-10 business days for the item(s) to ship. Exchanges are sent out via standard shipping and not eligible to be expedited. If your original item(s) are not received back within 28 days, your original form of payment will be charged the full purchase price.
  • For item(s) to be eligible for a return/exchange, they must have been purchased directly from or at a T.B.B.C. Company Store. Item(s) purchased from a retail partner must be returned to the same location where the original transaction took place. 
  • Returns/Exchanges must be initiated within 14 days of the ship date to be considered eligible.  
  • The Beaufort Bonnet Company reserves the right to refuse worn, washed, or damaged merchandise. Bonnets need to be unbuttoned and laid flat and packaged as they were shipped. The brims of the bonnets cannot be folded in half.
  • Once the return request has been processed, you will receive a FedEx shipping label via email.  Please note, there is an $8.00 Handling Fee that will be deducted from your refund or store credit total. Once a return package has been delivered to our fulfillment center successfully, please allow 5-10 business days for the returns to be processed.  You will receive an email confirmation once the return has been received and the refund or credit has been processed.
  • If you have items to return from different order numbers, please use correct return label for each order.  Combining returns will result in a delay in receiving your refund or store credit.
  • Please note, the following items must be returned in original packaging:
    • Shoes
    • Tuck Me In Baby Blankets
    • Warshcloth Sets
    • Silent Night Swaddles
  • The following items are NOT eligible for return:
    • Monogrammed items
    • Items with a Pink Price (a.k.a. sale price) or that are marked Final Sale in description
    • Undergarments
    • Paper Goods
    • Happy Mystery Mail (online sample sale packs)
  • All orders placed during our Pink Friday and Pink Price Party promotions are final sale and NOT eligible for return.
  • WeeFarers® guarantee is through WeeFarers®, not T.B.B.C.
  • Women's swimwear must be returned with protective lining attached.

Missing Items: If an item is missing from your package, please email within 5 days of delivery.

Damaged/Incorrect item(s): If an item in your package is damaged or incorrect, please visit and follow the steps provided.

Price Adjustment Policy: We are happy to offer a one-time price adjustment if an item is marked down within 24 hours of your purchase. Items purchased at a discounted rate are ineligible for a price adjustment. Promotions do not apply to the price adjustment policy, only markdowns. We do not offer price adjustments on shipping charges. No price adjustments will be made for our Pink Price Party and Pink Friday weekend promotions.

Please email with any questions or concerns.